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Budaya Batak Iklan selama 2 bulan - 7 April

10 Strong Reasons to stop blogging (Blogging)

10 Strong Reasons to stop blogging (Blogging) - The above title is rather intriguing. Is there a reason people stop blogging? There! Really? He'em! Blogging is an activity that is loaded with a variety of aspects and bloggers will face a lot of things as well as unexpected challenges. There is a point where a (prospective) bloggers will meet a reflective condition to determine whether or not blogging is his world. I promise this will be a very quick post. :-)

When the reason / the following conditions arise, as it was also way blogging should be considered, to stop or go on? Let's see:

  1. After all this time blogging, still do not know what is a blog and blogging.
  2. Hate writing. If writing is not favored and cultivated, for what is a blog? Blogging is writing. A blog is an online journal and bloggers are writers (author).
  3. Still continue to think that blogging is just copy paste the content of other blogs and blogs filled with such content.
  4.  Do not have time. If blogging is only considered spent and wasted time, then this is the most powerful reason to stop blogging.
  5. Do not have the desire to learn and feel no need to learn a variety of blogging techniques, both in terms of writing as well as other important aspects.
  6. Write just for the search engines, flooding the blog with keywords with no useful content or inappropriate posts by visitors.
  7. Think that the blog is just about making money.
  8. Stress, feeling not enjoy the blogs and blogging (blogging), can not wait to follow the process.
  9. Unwilling and unable to look for ideas and references, do not try to control what is written, as well as fear of personal expression. A good writer masters what he writes.
  10. Think that blogging is just a regular activity and not the creativity that demands more thought.

Still there are many other reasons which can certainly be considered not to continue blogging. This is just an insight from me.

Reference : http://buka-rahasia.blogspot.com/2011/08/alasan-kuat-berhenti-blogging.html Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...
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