SEO Tips for New Blog - From the many existing surveys, many bloggers are now switching from lifestyle bloggers (bloggers to write) and began to deploy a lot of blogs to the business world. In the sense of 'business' possible intention is to shoot lots of keywords to increase visitor.
Nothing wrong really real, common-common course. Well of shooting these keywords need SEO certainly not as a bridge to reach a lot of visitors? Well maybe SEO Tips for New Blogs can help you.
Previously, I would like to say that I am not here master or expert in SEO, I am just an SEO practitioner who try and post things about SEO is based on the experience I have ever tried. So, do not say that SEO is just based on one or two sources. SEO is vast and still be a mystery until now, only experience that can answer it.
Back to the laptop ya buddy. I also never really made a new blog as a business interest with shooting keyword, and thank God still survive today. Keep in mind, SEO tips that will be discussed here is not tips on how to shoot the right keywords so that your articles in pejwan, but only provide tips for new blog that quickly indexed google trustworthy and fast.
SEO Tips for New Blog
May not need a lot of chatter time yes, we go directly to the explanations below:
1. Specify the title and URL and Short Blog Unique
After determining the niche on your blog, try the title and url of your blog is made unique and brief. The purpose of the 'unique' is different from the title and make another blog url so that your blog quickly indexed by Google. Moreover, from a unique url and this blog allows you to get sitelinks from google quickly. Whereas the 'short' means making your blog url and title that is easy to remember. Minimum of 2-3 words is enough. Oh yes just a note, maybe for the title of the blog and its 'unique' My intention is to blog a hodgepodge niche. If you want to create a special niche, enter at least one keyword in the url and title of your blog in order to have more value to your blog SERP results later. This is because those who shoot with niche specific keywords would be easier and starts on domain keywords and title tags. However, if the blog with a mixture niche keywords you could just make another form that does not need to enter a specific keyword dala your blog url and title as keywords that you shoot different, at least your blog url and title represents what will be discussed on the blog .
2. Let Your Blog Retiring Minimum 1 Week After Created
This is true for those who want to quickly embed backlinks quickly in his blog. Yes, that is let for a minimum of 1 week break is to wait for your blog crawl beforehand to immediately indexed by Google mbah later. If not so likely if you instantly create articles and directly embed the article backlinks on Google blog you might be mistaken for a spam blog that indirectly considered 'boom' link.
During the break time you can prepare you for future posts and also embed backlink posted gradually on your blog homepage url that will be indexed faster. Then if deemed your blog in google index google by typing in "site: url blog" without the quotes, then you make regular posts each day and your backlink planting piecemeal regularly anyway.
If you have a blog that has been long for years but was not taken care of or ever made a long blog but have not made a post or posting still-acakkan random or chaotic, you can make your blog as a blog post and update (edit) you become better again. Remember, do not be removed yes, it'll actually lead to broken links. For this one I've never tried, but according to the existing research on domain age affect you know google index. Yes, you just think, if your blog has been neglected a long time it was never indexed google, meaning it's easy not to mengoptimasinya back? To that end, its news updates only, and if you need to update the title of his blog, do not blog url because it will just wrote a new blog for the kayak. In a note, these tips apply if the blog is not / in a state deindex (missing from the search) google.
3. Backlink Ping Blog and Keep Routine At Your Post
After two tips above you've done, it's time that the routine was made in the original post. In the sense that no copy and paste, and is the result of your own work. Due to the current algorithm of google in its EMD attention to all sorts of keywords and quality article. Until now, to find a quality article that's how, I just took the benchmark of quality guidelines. Then, you ping your blog every time I had a post and cultivate backlink to your post at least one day after published. Why why must wait one day? Yes, we are back to the way point number 2 above, ie waiting for google index prior to posting completely indexed. Well, although sometimes for a new blog takes up to 3-5 days posting new google indexed, but no harm in my opinion has been gradually embed backlinks to blog articles on a regular basis, then later the more posts index faster anyway.
Few tips for your article, do not use a lot of keyword stuffing, hidden links, and farm links (links which refer to many posts but the anchor does not fit with what was discussed), and other blackhat. Keyword stuffing is planting excessive keywords in your article. Lha continued Ngitung keywordnya how? May be taken from about 2-3% keyword density. You can use automatic keyword density checker on google. For hidden links, perhaps until now I have never found friends that article blacklisted by google because of this hidden link. But do not ever assume not have a negative impact, there must be a really, anyway because the hidden link is included in the webmaster guidelines. So just be careful :)
4. Review Your Blog! (Guest Posts)
If all are fulfilled, in the midst of researching and shooting the keyword you are looking for, do not forget to note your blog homepage as the brain of your blog. Do not think, a lot of backlink on the post can also google indexed fast. Backlink on the homepage is also important (backlinks still needed? Click here for an explanation), and even before the primary before looking for another backlink. I once asked a master Gentara Luke owner who is a master at every keyword immortal, he said the main backlink is a backlink on the homepage, then we are looking for a backlink on the post.
Logically Look, let's just say it was a pole blog homepage our homes, and our posts are furniturenya backlinks. If backlinks homepage or pole on our home course fragile, how to hold all her furniture? I think that's right, he said, because it is the main homepage backlinks. I have discussed initially at point 2 above.
For tips on finding backlinks on the homepage of your blog frequently and foremost I am using is a review blog. Its purpose is to instill a backlink on the blog homepage by creating articles on other blogs that link leads to the homepage of your blog. If you do not want complicated, lease and purchase just posted a blog post for others to find backlinks. In addition, you can make a review article about your new blog and published on the blog for the original article with free themes including blog reviews. Try to blog as the place to have a high PR you review at least PR 1, PR underneath but also may provided you do not try to give feedback to the blog. Lah means link exchange? Similarly, just have it in the posting form. This method is my main way in search of quality backlinks that your blog starts to peep and considered a good blog to another blog that google is placed in a good position in SERP.
If you have another blog and still good then do not worth the siakanlah your blog. You can review your blog from your other blogs with more specific keywords, but not in the same sense. Meaning more specific than the previous one. For example, the keyword is gemscool shot, then make a review of a specific keyword leads to other blogs such as how to register your blog gemscool, gemscool point blank Indonesia, gemscool lost saga Indonesia, Indonesian gemscool forums, etc.. But do not forget to write the original article and post your own. This is useful so that your blog will benefit others because we are planting a link from one of our blog to your new blog so that your blog will allow good in the eyes of google.
5. Do not Provide Reciprocal Links to Other People's Blogs
I mentioned in the last 4 points that do not do a link exchange or give a link to the outside in addition to a blog that is not authority. Authority is a blog or web means good and has been trusted by google (large web) like wikipedia, google, etc.. Why is that? Why should only be to the blog / web that authority alone? Gini Logically, if the poles backlinks homepage or our home so it is still a new buffer or fragile even no how to give it to someone else? In this case backlink on our blog we are still not even give it away to other people's blogs. Google will surely see our blog as a blog is considered spam as well. So why should you give a link to that authority alone? This is actually optional, it is up to you just do not give or excessive. The reason is because the authority blog is a web-site such as wikipedia and google generally have great results in the eyes of google robot and is considered to have great influence. In this case if we give a link or post to the web reference in wikipedia as large as before, it's okay because it means we provide a much more science to visitors to the web-site of which we give referral link earlier.
6. Use Social Media as a Support for Promotion (SMO)
Currently social media is often associated with SEO, especially on twitter and google plus. When we display our blog's url on socialmedia twitter and google plus like before, then google will consider us as a link referral link which is useful and come from great sites like twitter and google plus it was, so the search results your blog better in the eyes of google . Not only using social media profile as supporting your seo, but also other factors such as the share +1 button is a lot of info saying that the more +1 of the visitors then your article considered beneficial by Google, social media therefore also affect your seo .
In addition to seo optimization on your blog, social media can also be used to attract regular visitors and create credibility about yourself. For example, by making fanspage, twitter fans, google plus account and other accounts in the name of identity socialmedia your blog. So from there you start to promote in social media with a lot to share and update regularly about the progress or status of fanspage your chatter. The more shares, the more opportunities you have also to have abundant visitors. In addition, you can also use social media as a medium to promote your product if you sell something. So, you should never underestimate social media.
Article optimization (SEO Tips)
Perhaps there is little that I can give to your article regarding the recommendation for your new blog so quickly indexed google.
1. Minimal Original article 300 Words + Pictures
Blog article is a life blog. Good articles are articles you write yourself without raw copy and paste from another blog so it does not seem the same from other blogs and give more benefits to the reader. Additionally make an article at least 300 words + pictures. Actually this is not raw, just have an average length of most quality article is 300 words. 200 words may well really. And remember that insert images to decorate your articles better in the eyes of visitors and google.
2. Internal Links Between Articles Se-Topic
Internal links in the article to other articles until now has never been forgotten. Almost every web-site that gives big / referral links to other articles for more knowledge of visitors or in terms of seo like wikipedia,, etc.. Internal links are used as guards in strengthening your post to another post or vice versa.
Suppose you make a 3 article about gemscool (main keyword). Then the derivative of the first keyword is an article about the forum gemscool Indonesia. The second way of registering gemscool Indonesia, and the third is gemscool login. Well you could make 3 of the article by making a link with anchor text interrelated varying according to keywords turunanannya but still refer to the same main keyword is gemscool. Well in this case google will see your article as quality articles by giving your referral links to other corresponding article. Oh yeah, you also can really change the scheme will suit you as long as the link remains keywordnya interrelated. You can also provide links from article 3 keyword derivatives to strengthen the main keywords for your main keyword post.
Well maybe that's all the tips I gave in the article SEO Tips for New Blogs. Oh yeah maybe you want to know where to find backlinks-backlinks like that right? What the hell wrote backlinks? You can find backlinks to your posts on social bookmarking, classifieds, wiki, forum profile and signature, and other backlinks that have a major influence on your blog. Please search on google yes, if there is time I will try to post the source where you find these backlinks backlink-which I feel qualified.
Nothing wrong really real, common-common course. Well of shooting these keywords need SEO certainly not as a bridge to reach a lot of visitors? Well maybe SEO Tips for New Blogs can help you.
Previously, I would like to say that I am not here master or expert in SEO, I am just an SEO practitioner who try and post things about SEO is based on the experience I have ever tried. So, do not say that SEO is just based on one or two sources. SEO is vast and still be a mystery until now, only experience that can answer it.
Back to the laptop ya buddy. I also never really made a new blog as a business interest with shooting keyword, and thank God still survive today. Keep in mind, SEO tips that will be discussed here is not tips on how to shoot the right keywords so that your articles in pejwan, but only provide tips for new blog that quickly indexed google trustworthy and fast.
SEO Tips for New Blog
May not need a lot of chatter time yes, we go directly to the explanations below:
1. Specify the title and URL and Short Blog Unique
After determining the niche on your blog, try the title and url of your blog is made unique and brief. The purpose of the 'unique' is different from the title and make another blog url so that your blog quickly indexed by Google. Moreover, from a unique url and this blog allows you to get sitelinks from google quickly. Whereas the 'short' means making your blog url and title that is easy to remember. Minimum of 2-3 words is enough. Oh yes just a note, maybe for the title of the blog and its 'unique' My intention is to blog a hodgepodge niche. If you want to create a special niche, enter at least one keyword in the url and title of your blog in order to have more value to your blog SERP results later. This is because those who shoot with niche specific keywords would be easier and starts on domain keywords and title tags. However, if the blog with a mixture niche keywords you could just make another form that does not need to enter a specific keyword dala your blog url and title as keywords that you shoot different, at least your blog url and title represents what will be discussed on the blog .
2. Let Your Blog Retiring Minimum 1 Week After Created
This is true for those who want to quickly embed backlinks quickly in his blog. Yes, that is let for a minimum of 1 week break is to wait for your blog crawl beforehand to immediately indexed by Google mbah later. If not so likely if you instantly create articles and directly embed the article backlinks on Google blog you might be mistaken for a spam blog that indirectly considered 'boom' link.
During the break time you can prepare you for future posts and also embed backlink posted gradually on your blog homepage url that will be indexed faster. Then if deemed your blog in google index google by typing in "site: url blog" without the quotes, then you make regular posts each day and your backlink planting piecemeal regularly anyway.
If you have a blog that has been long for years but was not taken care of or ever made a long blog but have not made a post or posting still-acakkan random or chaotic, you can make your blog as a blog post and update (edit) you become better again. Remember, do not be removed yes, it'll actually lead to broken links. For this one I've never tried, but according to the existing research on domain age affect you know google index. Yes, you just think, if your blog has been neglected a long time it was never indexed google, meaning it's easy not to mengoptimasinya back? To that end, its news updates only, and if you need to update the title of his blog, do not blog url because it will just wrote a new blog for the kayak. In a note, these tips apply if the blog is not / in a state deindex (missing from the search) google.
3. Backlink Ping Blog and Keep Routine At Your Post
After two tips above you've done, it's time that the routine was made in the original post. In the sense that no copy and paste, and is the result of your own work. Due to the current algorithm of google in its EMD attention to all sorts of keywords and quality article. Until now, to find a quality article that's how, I just took the benchmark of quality guidelines. Then, you ping your blog every time I had a post and cultivate backlink to your post at least one day after published. Why why must wait one day? Yes, we are back to the way point number 2 above, ie waiting for google index prior to posting completely indexed. Well, although sometimes for a new blog takes up to 3-5 days posting new google indexed, but no harm in my opinion has been gradually embed backlinks to blog articles on a regular basis, then later the more posts index faster anyway.
Few tips for your article, do not use a lot of keyword stuffing, hidden links, and farm links (links which refer to many posts but the anchor does not fit with what was discussed), and other blackhat. Keyword stuffing is planting excessive keywords in your article. Lha continued Ngitung keywordnya how? May be taken from about 2-3% keyword density. You can use automatic keyword density checker on google. For hidden links, perhaps until now I have never found friends that article blacklisted by google because of this hidden link. But do not ever assume not have a negative impact, there must be a really, anyway because the hidden link is included in the webmaster guidelines. So just be careful :)
4. Review Your Blog! (Guest Posts)
If all are fulfilled, in the midst of researching and shooting the keyword you are looking for, do not forget to note your blog homepage as the brain of your blog. Do not think, a lot of backlink on the post can also google indexed fast. Backlink on the homepage is also important (backlinks still needed? Click here for an explanation), and even before the primary before looking for another backlink. I once asked a master Gentara Luke owner who is a master at every keyword immortal, he said the main backlink is a backlink on the homepage, then we are looking for a backlink on the post.
Logically Look, let's just say it was a pole blog homepage our homes, and our posts are furniturenya backlinks. If backlinks homepage or pole on our home course fragile, how to hold all her furniture? I think that's right, he said, because it is the main homepage backlinks. I have discussed initially at point 2 above.
For tips on finding backlinks on the homepage of your blog frequently and foremost I am using is a review blog. Its purpose is to instill a backlink on the blog homepage by creating articles on other blogs that link leads to the homepage of your blog. If you do not want complicated, lease and purchase just posted a blog post for others to find backlinks. In addition, you can make a review article about your new blog and published on the blog for the original article with free themes including blog reviews. Try to blog as the place to have a high PR you review at least PR 1, PR underneath but also may provided you do not try to give feedback to the blog. Lah means link exchange? Similarly, just have it in the posting form. This method is my main way in search of quality backlinks that your blog starts to peep and considered a good blog to another blog that google is placed in a good position in SERP.
If you have another blog and still good then do not worth the siakanlah your blog. You can review your blog from your other blogs with more specific keywords, but not in the same sense. Meaning more specific than the previous one. For example, the keyword is gemscool shot, then make a review of a specific keyword leads to other blogs such as how to register your blog gemscool, gemscool point blank Indonesia, gemscool lost saga Indonesia, Indonesian gemscool forums, etc.. But do not forget to write the original article and post your own. This is useful so that your blog will benefit others because we are planting a link from one of our blog to your new blog so that your blog will allow good in the eyes of google.
5. Do not Provide Reciprocal Links to Other People's Blogs
I mentioned in the last 4 points that do not do a link exchange or give a link to the outside in addition to a blog that is not authority. Authority is a blog or web means good and has been trusted by google (large web) like wikipedia, google, etc.. Why is that? Why should only be to the blog / web that authority alone? Gini Logically, if the poles backlinks homepage or our home so it is still a new buffer or fragile even no how to give it to someone else? In this case backlink on our blog we are still not even give it away to other people's blogs. Google will surely see our blog as a blog is considered spam as well. So why should you give a link to that authority alone? This is actually optional, it is up to you just do not give or excessive. The reason is because the authority blog is a web-site such as wikipedia and google generally have great results in the eyes of google robot and is considered to have great influence. In this case if we give a link or post to the web reference in wikipedia as large as before, it's okay because it means we provide a much more science to visitors to the web-site of which we give referral link earlier.
6. Use Social Media as a Support for Promotion (SMO)
Currently social media is often associated with SEO, especially on twitter and google plus. When we display our blog's url on socialmedia twitter and google plus like before, then google will consider us as a link referral link which is useful and come from great sites like twitter and google plus it was, so the search results your blog better in the eyes of google . Not only using social media profile as supporting your seo, but also other factors such as the share +1 button is a lot of info saying that the more +1 of the visitors then your article considered beneficial by Google, social media therefore also affect your seo .
In addition to seo optimization on your blog, social media can also be used to attract regular visitors and create credibility about yourself. For example, by making fanspage, twitter fans, google plus account and other accounts in the name of identity socialmedia your blog. So from there you start to promote in social media with a lot to share and update regularly about the progress or status of fanspage your chatter. The more shares, the more opportunities you have also to have abundant visitors. In addition, you can also use social media as a medium to promote your product if you sell something. So, you should never underestimate social media.
Article optimization (SEO Tips)
Perhaps there is little that I can give to your article regarding the recommendation for your new blog so quickly indexed google.
1. Minimal Original article 300 Words + Pictures
Blog article is a life blog. Good articles are articles you write yourself without raw copy and paste from another blog so it does not seem the same from other blogs and give more benefits to the reader. Additionally make an article at least 300 words + pictures. Actually this is not raw, just have an average length of most quality article is 300 words. 200 words may well really. And remember that insert images to decorate your articles better in the eyes of visitors and google.
2. Internal Links Between Articles Se-Topic
Internal links in the article to other articles until now has never been forgotten. Almost every web-site that gives big / referral links to other articles for more knowledge of visitors or in terms of seo like wikipedia,, etc.. Internal links are used as guards in strengthening your post to another post or vice versa.
Suppose you make a 3 article about gemscool (main keyword). Then the derivative of the first keyword is an article about the forum gemscool Indonesia. The second way of registering gemscool Indonesia, and the third is gemscool login. Well you could make 3 of the article by making a link with anchor text interrelated varying according to keywords turunanannya but still refer to the same main keyword is gemscool. Well in this case google will see your article as quality articles by giving your referral links to other corresponding article. Oh yeah, you also can really change the scheme will suit you as long as the link remains keywordnya interrelated. You can also provide links from article 3 keyword derivatives to strengthen the main keywords for your main keyword post.
Well maybe that's all the tips I gave in the article SEO Tips for New Blogs. Oh yeah maybe you want to know where to find backlinks-backlinks like that right? What the hell wrote backlinks? You can find backlinks to your posts on social bookmarking, classifieds, wiki, forum profile and signature, and other backlinks that have a major influence on your blog. Please search on google yes, if there is time I will try to post the source where you find these backlinks backlink-which I feel qualified.

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