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What Is a Blog?

What is a blog? - Questions like these that often comes to mind is usually laymen who first heard the term blog. Is not a strange thing, considering the first was also once asked me the same thing when I first heard Beru. So, what exactly is a blog? Yup, let's discuss together.

What Is a Blog?

In general, a blog or also known as a weblog is a personal site that contains the writings of the content or the content anyway, where the posts as the post contains about a particular topic that was published by the owner in order to get a reaction from the reader and updated periodically.

The general features of a blog is;
  1. Contains information that is chronological, and is divided into several categories.
  2. There are archives for news or information, both new and old.
  3. There is interaction between blog owners and visitors / readers.
  4. The interaction is usually in the form of a column comment.
  5. Usually there is a link (link) to your website or blog often dikujungi, usually known as the Blogroll.
There are some blogs notion put forward by some competent authorities and we can use as a reference, such as;
'A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, and can be viewed in an HTML browser.' By Harvard University.
'Blog is short for "web log" is a Web application that resembles the form of writings (published as a post) on a public web page. These writings are often published in reverse order (most recent content first and then followed the older content), although not necessarily so. Web sites like these can usually be accessed by all Internet users according to the topics and goals of the user's blog. 'By Wikipedia.
'A frequent chronological publication of a person's mind and in the form of Web links.' By Marketingterms dictionary.
'From the Weblog. A blog is basically a journal that is available on the Web. Activity menmperbaharui blog is called blogging and someone who runs a blog called blogger. 'By Computersprintersrepairshouston.com / glossary.
'A weblog is a kind of guided tour of sustainable human you know. There are a lot of guidance that can be selected, and all of them develop an audience, and there are friendships between managers and political blog pointing to each other and all in the form of structures, graphs, flow, etc.. 'By Newhome / History Of Weblogs.
'A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. Activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who makes a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Posts in this blog are almost always arranged in order of the latest cronological with the addition of the most prominent features. Writing in a blog is almost always in chronological order with the most recent addition of features most prominent. 'By Matisse.net / glossary.
'A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent posts at the top of the main page and older is below.' By Darren Rowse.
An owner of a blog or commonly known as the blogger always update (up to date) his blog regularly. Whether it publish new posts, change the template, change the design, or just adding or subtracting trinkets blog. Regular renewal is one of the characteristics that distinguishes a blog to the site. Therefore, a blog can be described as an online diary for the bloggers. Intensity renewal blogs are much higher when compared with the site. Why? Because it also shows how the existence of a blogger in nurturing or caring for his blog.

In addition to a personal blog which contains the story of the journey of life or records owner, a blog can be categorized into two distinct types, namely blogs that specifically discusses about a given topic and blog that displays the contents of the various themes contained therein. Typically, a blog discussing a particular theme. Suppose a blog about sports, cooking, blogging tutorials, unique things, motivation, education, politics, culture, etc.. However, it is not uncommon that many bloggers make his blog that contains many themes.

What are the categories of the blog?
  • Political Blog: More news, politics, activist, and all issue-based blogs (such as campaigning).
  • Personal blog: Also known as online diary that contains about one's daily experience, complaints, poems or poetry, the idea of ​​evil, friends and conversation.
  • Blog topic: Blogs that discuss about something, and focus on specific topics.
  • Health Blog: More specifics about health. Health blog mostly contains about patient complaints, the latest health news, information on health-ketarangan, etc..
  • Literary blog: Better known as litblog (Literary blog).
  • Travel blog: Focus on the journey that tells the story discussion of the particulars about traveling / traveling.
  • Research Blog: The question of academic research such as the latest news.
  • Law Blog: The question of law or legal affairs, also called blawgs (Blog Laws).
  • Media Blog: Focusing on topics lie or ketidakkonsistensi mass media, usually only for a newspaper or a television network.
  • Blog religions: Discussing about religion.
  • Education blog: Usually written by students or teachers.
  • Blog togetherness: more specific topics written by a certain group.
  • Blog instructions (directory): Contains hundreds of links pages.
  • Business Blogs: Used by employees or entrepreneurs for their business promotion.
  • Blog manifestations: focus on objects beyond human; like dogs.
  • Blog bullies (spam): Used for business promotion affiliate, also known as splogs (spam blog).
Currently, many bloggers are already actively blogging (term in Indonesian: blog) all over the world. In addition to free because we do not need to spend money to hire webhosting and domain purchase like a site, in running our blogging activities also should not be prosecuted for having expertise in programming design. Because, almost all sites manufacturing services for free blog templates have provided a variety of options are certainly interesting enough for our use. The process of making a blog too easy. We just need to have an email address and choose what blog platform that we love, then so be a beautiful and interesting blog will be ours.

Even on the way, now it's been a lot of bloggers who use his blog as a means to make money via the internet! Wow ..

How can that be?
Possibly, one of which is by advertising that will provide a fee for each series in the blogger blog. Surely this type of advertising varied types and payment mechanisms. And last but not least is the only blog that has been popular are likely to be able to generate a lot of profit for its owners. Hence, comes the term professional blogger or problogger is a blogger who rely on their income from the blog purely managed.

If in the era of globalization is no longer a limitation of space and this time you still do not have a blog, what the world says? I used to be a person is considered literate if IT is able to have email. However, it is no longer valid because it was now time you have a blog!

Ready to become a blogger ..?
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